Four French For Forty

I have hand selected four wines that represent a phenomenal value for French wine – and all of them have two things in common: First, they are all forty dollars. Second, they all drink like wines that cost twice the price.

CLICK HERE to LISTEN to this week’s Wine of the Week segment on WTOP Radio

CLICK HERE to READ this week’s column

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The Temperamental Wines of Chateauneuf du Pape

The red wines from the renowned appellation of Chateauneuf du Pape (literally “New Home of the Pope”), located in the Côtes du Rhône region of southern France, are legendary for being both fabulous and fickle. Fabulous, because the flavors, depth and complexity these wines are capable of achieving can provide you with one of the most memorable wine experiences you’re likely to have.  Fickle, because trying to figure out exactly at what age the wines will provide that experience can drive you nuts.

CLICK HERE to LISTEN to this week’s Wine of the Week segment on WTOP Radio

CLICK HERE to READ this week’s column

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Drinking Well and Doing Good

The wine industry is an extremely philanthropic business. Many wineries support charities by donating bottles or tasting experiences to benefit auctions. But a growing number of wineries give back to a particular charitable cause through donations that are tied directly to the sale of their wine.

CLICK HERE to LISTEN to this week’s Wine of the Week segment on WTOP Radio

CLICK HERE to READ this week’s column

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Falling into Fall With Pinot Noir

According to the U.S. Naval Observatory, fall’s formal onset occurred at 10:29 pm on September 22nd. And if additional proof is required, just consult the leaves on all of the trees in my yard – they have already started their annual migration onto my lawn and into my gutters (queue Gutter Helmet commercial).

CLICK HERE to READ this week’s column

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Toasting to the Memory of Nicolas Feuillatte

Nicolas Feuillatte Palmes d'Or 2002 Bottle ShotNicolas Feuillatte (pronounced Foo-Yatt), the legendary socialite and entrepreneur, passed away last month on August 12th at the age of 88. However, he will best remembered as the visionary who started the Champagne brand that bears his name.

Click HERE to read about the remarkable life and wines of Nicolas Feuillatte

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Desert Island Wines

2010_Mariner_bottle_rgbAt a recent dinner party, a guest asked me, “What five wines would you want if you were stranded on a desert island?”

Well, that certainly gave me pause to stop and think about coming up with my “desert island” wine list. It is important to note that, just like my “best wines I have ever had,” my desert island wine list is not necessarily made up of the best wines I have ever had. While I have enjoyed spectacular wines, I wouldn’t necessarily want to have on a regular basis since that would simply spoil the uniqueness of the experience. But, on the other hand, there are a few incredible wines I wouldn’t mind being stuck with either.

Click HERE to read about my desert island list

Click HERE to listen to my recommendations on WTOP Radio’s Wine of the Week

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Annual Pizza Wine Review

So with demands on our time piling up like cars on the Beltway at rush hour, sometimes the best course of action one can take to regain some modicum of relief is to simply order a pizza and open a decent bottle of wine. That’s were our annual pizza wine review comes to the proverbial rescue of harried households everywhere.

CLICK HERE to LISTEN to this week’s Wine of the Week segment on WTOP Radio

CLICK HERE to READ this week’s column

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Laboring Over Labor Day Wines

Miraval RoseAs we head in to the home stretch of summer and attempt to ease back into the routine of work and/or school, the last thing you want to think about is what wine to kick back with and enjoy this Labor Day weekend.

Good news – I have a few picks to make your weekend just a little less stressful.

Click here to listen to my wine recommendations for this Labor Day holiday on WTOP Radio’s Wine of the Week

Click here to read about my wine picks – and a nifty idea about how to keep your wine chilled to the max

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Yes Virginia, There Is A Governor’s Cup – The Best of Virginia Wines

Sunset Hill MosaicThe Virginia Wineries Association, in partnership with the Virginia Wine Board & the Virginia Vineyards Association, recently announce the winners and put together a “media case” of the winning wines for wine journalists and critics. I used my case as an opportunity to see how these wines fare with some wine-loving consumers. I assembled a panel of amateur wine enthusiasts and asked them to evaluate the wines in the Governor’s Cup case. The wines were evaluated based on appearance, aroma, taste and overall quality and scored on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest). I kept the identity of the wines concealed until the end of the tasting.

Click here to listen to my top four picks on WTOP Radio’s Wine of the Week

Click here to read about which wines my panel picked as their favorites

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Smokin’ Hot Wines for Smoked Food

Omrah Unoaked Chard BottleThis past May, my wife gave me a smoker for my birthday, and I have become obsessed with smoking just about everything from pork products to potatoes. I love the wonderful flavor and tenderness that smoking imparts to various foods. The challenge is finding a wine that can stand up to some of the potent flavors infused by the smoke.

Click here to listen to my recommendations on WTOP Radio’s Wine of the Week

Click here to read about what wine to pair with smoked foods – it’s easy if you follow a few simple rules.


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