Getting Crabby When It Comes To Wines

Sbragia Sauv Blanc BottleIf it’s summer in Washington, it must be time for crabs.  Whether you like your crabs in cakes, sautéed in soft shells or picking the blues, then there is a wine out there for you!

Just round up a mess of crabs and invite friends and neighbors in to share the treat. Just be sure you have some of these tasty wines on hand to enjoy with your favorite crustacean.

Click here to listen to my Crab-and-Wine pairing recommendations on WTOP Radio

Click here to read my recommendations


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Five Years of Wine of the Week On WTOP Radio – 2009 Vintage

Five years is a long time to do one thing – particularly if it is high school… But if it is spent doing the Wine of the Week segment on WTOP radio, then five years passes by in the blink of an eye.

So to celebrate five years of sharing some of my favorite wines with WTOP listeners, I am going to review wines that started their bottle-life out with me on WTOP – the 2009 vintage.

Click here to listen to this week’s Wine of the Week podcast on WTOP Radio

Click here to read the reviews

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Horsing Around for A Worthy Cause

horses-on-pointe-picture-300x200Every two years, the horse-riding community comes together to celebrate the impact that horses have on people in the therapeutic riding community.

On the evening of October 25th in Poolsville, Maryland, I am proud to be the Master of Ceremonies for Horses on Pointean evening dedicated to raising funds necessary to continue the therapeutic riding programs that bring so much joy to children and adults who can find a connection to the world through their bond with horses.

The evening will be filled with musical rides by Great and Small riders as well as some of the best riders, both professional and amateur, in the region. I encourage you to check out the link below and consider attending or donating to this little-but-amazing event.

Horses On Pointe

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American Sparklers for the 4th of July

I was recently part of a three-person panel of judges at the 34th San Francisco wine competition. Since there are about 20 panels, you never know what your group will be asked to evaluate. Fortunately, our panel was blessed to begin the second day of judging with an assortment of sparkling wines. Trust me, after four years of participating in this elite competition, there are worse ways to start your day.

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The Wines of Summer

My second favorite saying in Washington is, “it ain’t the heat, it’s the humidity.” Who are they kidding? Either way, it’s hot and I need a wine that cuts through a Washington summer like a motorcade cuts through rush hour traffic. I need a “Summer” wine.

CLICK HERE to LISTEN to this week’s Wine of the Week segment on WTOP Radio

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Rhone Rangers Red Wines

Regular listeners and readers will know that I am a huge fan of Rhone wines – and that definitely includes Rhone-style wines that are grown domestically.


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Rhone Ranger White Wines

Regular listeners and readers will know that I am a huge fan of Rhone wines – and that definitely includes Rhone-style wines that are grown domestically.

Southern part of France. It is technically two distinct vinicultural areas; the Northern Rhône Valley and the Southern Rhône Valley, that derive their specific characteristics from the unique soil compositions found throughout the Valley.

CLICK HERE to LISTEN to this week’s Wine of the Week segment on WTOP Radio

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A Rose By Any Other Name

While Rosés are not just for summer sipping any more, I still find myself gravitating towards the pretty and refreshing pink wines when the weather warms up. For my money – and fortunately, most rosés are easy on the wallet – few wines are as versatile as rosés. Served well-chilled, they’re the perfect hammock companion or aperitif. Served slightly chilled, they can keep up with grilled seafood or roasted chicken. And sparkling versions simply shout, “party on.”

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Five Common Mistakes Wine Lovers Make

May 25th is National Wine Day – not like I need an excuse to open a good bottle of wine – but just in case you do, consider opening a great bottle of wine this Sunday. Just make sure you don’t fall victim to these five common mistakes that many wine lovers make.

CLICK HERE to LISTEN to this week’s Wine of the Week segment on WTOP Radio

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Summer Party Wines

A couple of days ago, a business associate sent me an email and asked me for a few wine recommendations. He said, “I need a reasonably priced red and white wine for a party I am having. Any suggestions?”

CLICK HERE to LISTEN to this week’s Wine of the Week segment on WTOP Radio

CLICK HERE to READ this week’s column

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