Wine Friendly Restaurants

We are always talking about all sorts of different wines on Wine of the Week, but it’s tough to taste a bunch of wine at any given time… so I thought it would be fun to talk about some of the wine-centric restaurants in and around town that offer tasting flights that give dinners a chance to sample small tastes of different wines…. click here to read more on some great wine friendly restaurants

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The Port Side of Wine

main_variation_na_view_01_204x400I am hunkered down, trying to stay warm during these constant visits from the Polar Vortex. I don’t know about you, but I am definitely ready for winter to be over.
But as long as it insists on hanging around, I guess there is only one thing I can look forward to: warming up with a glass of Port – that delicious Portuguese elixir that has warmed other countless souls for centuries…. Click here to read more about some fantastic port wines

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Winter Olympic Gold Medal Wines

dryrieslingThe 2014 Winter Olympics, also known as the XXII Olympic Winter Games, is THE major winter-themed international multi-sport event, held every four years and usually hosted by a different country each time. This year, the games are being held in Sochi, Russia. Sochi was selected as the host city in July 2007, during the 119th IOC Session and is the first Olympics to be hosted by Russia since the breakup of the USSR in 1991…. Click here to read more about the gold medal wines

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Wine and Chocolate For Valentine’s Day

Piper-Heidsieck_Champagne_BrutValentine’s Day is just around the corner and love is in the air. Or is the sweet smell of chocolate? Given the age-old tradition of giving heart shaped boxes of goodies to your loved one on February 14th, it’s probably a combination of the two…. click here to read more about the best wines for valentine’s dayclick here to read more about the best wines for valentines day

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Super Wines for the Super Bowl

jan 31The game of champions is upon us this weekend, and since I do not have a proverbial dog in the upcoming football finale, I have been nominated to pick out the wines for a big bash hosted by friends for this year’s Super Bowl festivities…. click here to continue reading about the super wines for the super bowl

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White Wines for Winter

jan 24thLast week, we reviewed how Syrah can warm the soul on a cold day, but winter isn’t only for red wine. While big red wines are an expected accompaniment for cold weather fare, such as stews and chili, some white wines can be tongue-warming as well. Like wool scarves and flannel sheets, big white wines can provide warmth and contentment. Pair them with comfort foods such as white bean chili or roasted chicken and you have a match akin to red wine and steak…. click here to read more about some fantastic white wines for winter

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Sip Sip Syrah

jan 17thA couple of weeks ago, it was so cold that even my dog didn’t want to go outside – and he wears a permanent fur coat. So I did was any decent red-blooded wine consumer would do: I broke out the Kind of big red wines: Syrah…. click here to read more about some of my favorite syrah

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Predictions for the New Year

jan 10thI would not be a legitimate wine journalist unless I made some predictions about what wines and wine trends will be hot or cold in the New Year. I mean, all the other cool journalists are doing it. But the problem is, I am really terrible at making predictions – as evidenced just hours earlier today at my annual “Predictions Lunch” where a group of friends gather to forecast the events of the future and merciless tease one another about how poorly we did when last year’s predictions fell flat on their proverbial fortune telling faces…. click here to continue reading about my predictions for 2014

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The Most Interesting Wines of 2013

january 3rdSoren Kierkegaard once said, “Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.” And the said can be said of wine. But let me clarify… Looking back over some of the most interesting wines I sampled last year definitely broadened my horizons and gave me ideas for some of the wines I will be on the lookout for in 2014 in order to expand both my palate and my knowledge…. click here to read more about the most interesting wines of 2013

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Wines to Put Some Sparkle In Your New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is almost here – and no wine is more fun to welcome in the New Year than Sparkling wine. But just how should one go about finding the right sparkler for their particular palate? Well, price is always a factor, but how a wine gets its sparkle can also be important – since the bubbles impact both the flavor and the mouthfeel. The bubbles can be tiny or effervescent. In addition, wines can range from bone-dry to wonderfully sweet. They can be white, red or rosé. They can be fresh and lively or older and mellower. But it all adds up to a good time whenever a sparkling wine is in the glass.

Here are a few Sparklers from around the world that put the “pop” in popular.

Click Here to read this week’s recommendations on Sparkling Wines for New Year’s Eve

Click Here to listen to WTOP Radio’s Wine of the Week segment (3.3 mins)

Have a happy and healthy New Year’s Eve – and please drink responsibly!

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