What’s In Your Cellar?

Wine collectors tend to gauge each other’s “commitment” to wine by asking two essential questions. First, “what type of wine do you collect?” And second, we always want to know, “how many bottles are in your cellar?”

 But lately, given the rapidly increasing prices of collectable wines from around the globe, much of our attention has turned to a different concern; What wines will the next generation of oenophiles find affordable in order to inoculate their collection?

Click here to listen to this week’s WTOP Radio’s Wine of the Week to see what wines you can collect for $50 or less

Click here to check out a few wines worth hunting down now for delayed gratification in this week’s Vine Guy column in the Washington, DC Examiner Newspaper


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Wines to Enhance Romance for Valentine’s Day

What’s a modern day, stressed-out couple to do in order to grab that loving feeling this Valentine’s day?

For the answer, I decided to solicit advice from some of the busiest people I know and find out what wine they plan to employ to tip the scales of love in their favor and ensure a successful love connection. Of course, individual results may vary.

Check out my recommendations for wines that will enhance  your chance for romance in this week’s Vine Guy column in the Washington, DC Examiner Newspaper

Listen in to WTOP Radio’s Wine of the Week for the latest wines to enjoy on Valentine’s Day


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Ravens Fans Rave About Ravenswood Wines

The upcoming football finale is finally here, and this year I actually have a proverbial dog in the fight. I grew up in a household that revered the San Francisco 49ers. But alas, the 49ers are definitely not the local favorite, so it appears that my only ticket to overcoming the social stigma of rooting for the other team is to offer up winning wines that will, at the very least, get my foot in the door and hopefully a seat on the couch.

The obvious choice was easy. I am rooting with – and for – Ravenswood Wines.

Click here to read about my favorite Ravenswood Wines in this week’s Vine Guy Column in the Washington, DC Examiner Newspaper

Click here to listen to this week’s Wine of the Week on WTOP Radio

Go 49ners!

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My Friend David’s Wines

My friend David’s tastes in wine tend to run more toward the mysterious and arcane end of the spectrum. But here’s the thing… David really does know “his” wines. And by “his” wines, I mean interesting, delicious, value-oriented wines that I would not normally include in my routine wine compendium. But, that notwithstanding, I always look forward to being exposed to David’s Wines…

Click here to check out David’s Wines in this week’s Vine Guy column in the Washington, DC Examiner Newspaper

Click here to listen to David’s recommendations on this week’s Wine of the Week on WTOP Radio


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Poker Night Wines

A few years ago, several moms from my son’s third grade class decided to create a monthly “book club.” So I decided to level the playing field and start my own “book club” with some of the dads from the same social circle. Only this monthly man-gathering would not pretend to be as intellectually curious as our feminine counterparts. No, this “book club” would be nothing more cerebral than a bunch of neighborhood “dads” getting together to play a friendly game of Cards. And drink wine. Yes, wine.

In this week’s Vine Guy column, I tip my hand and share some of my favorite all-time poker night wines.

Dry Creek Vineyards Old Vine Zin Bottle Shot

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Wines For A South American Cuisine

I recently met 0ne of my more interesting challenges when a neighborhood friend invited me over for a post-holiday holiday party. When a friend Antonio and his lovely wife are originally from Venezuela, so the scrumptious buffet included some delectable-but-difficult pairing challenges from the south – South America.

Click here to check out my south-of-the-equator pairings in this week’s Vine Guy column in the Washington Examiner Newspaper

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An Old Resolution for the New Year

A new year is here again, providing yet another opportunity to pledge allegiance to improving our lives and resolving to vanquish bad habits. My resolution this year is the same as it is every year; I will continue to drink more of the good stuff.  After all, life is too short to drink bad wine.

Click here to check out some of the wines that will be on my resolution list for 2013 in this week’s Vine Guy column in the Washington, DC Examiner Newspaper

Click here to listen to this week’s Wine of the Week segment on WTOP Radio

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All That Sparkles For New Year’s Eve

Since just about every wine-growing region on the planet produces some version of sparkling wine, there must be something to it. Here are a few sparkling wines from around the world that you should definitely consider making a resolution to enjoy this New Year’s Eve and throughout the year to come.

Click here to review my recommendations for several value-oriented sparkling wines in this week’s Vine Guy column in the Washington, DC Examiner Newspaper

Click here to listen to this week’s recommendations on WTOP Radio’s Wine of the Week


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WTOP Radio Wine of the Week – Wines for the Holidays

The holiday season is almost here and, hopefully, most of your shopping and schlepping is done. Now it’s time to concentrate on one last detail: the wine.

Click here to listen to this week’s Wine of the Week on WTOP Radio and find out what four wines should be on your holiday table

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All I Want For Christmas… A Fun Case Of Wine

Twelve days of Christmas. Twelve bottles of wine in a case. Coincidence? Maybe. But if I could unwrap just one present on Christmas morning, it would be this case of international wines selected for their remarkable value.

Click here to see the entire list in this week’s Vine Guy column in the Washington, DC Examiner Newspaper

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