WTOP Radio Wine of the Week – White Burgundy Values

This week on WTOP Radio, I shared some of my favorite values for White Burgundies.

Click here to listen in and find out which Burgundies offer the best value.

A Perennial Value in White Burgundy

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2009 White Burgundy Best Buys

The 2009 ripe fruit vintage in Burgundy produced Chardonnay wines with solid core flavors, good acidity and lovely concentration and balance.

Here are a few excellent values to lookout for.

A Perennial Favorite

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WTOP Wine of the Week – Spanish Wine Values

This week on WTOP Radio’s Wine of the Week segement, I discuss some tasting and affordable new wines coming from an old winemaking country; Spain.

Click here to listen to my recommendations

Value in Hand-crafted Wine

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What do Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina and Portugal all have in common? At one time or another, each of these wine-producing countries was considered the little darling of wines values.

Well, today, there’s a new country in town. Spain. The third largest wine producing country in the world is now gaining a reputation on the world wine stage as making very good wines at very reasonable prices.

Check out my Spanish Wine Values in this week’s DC Examiner Newspaper

A Fun and Inexpensive Spanish Sparkler

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WTOP Wine of the Week – Mining Gold From The SF International Wine Competition

On this week’s Wine of the Week spot, I highlight three Double Gold winners from the prestigious San Francisco International Wine Competition.

Click here to listen as I describe three of the best wines out of 4,100 entries

The Double Gold Medal Viognier

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Gold Medal Wines – The Winners of the 30th Annual San Francisco International Wine Competition

Looking for delicious wines at a reasonable price? Aren’t we all? Check out the Gold Medal winners from the 30th Annual San Francisco International Wine Competition. Many are under $25, all are scrumptious.

Click here to see the top winners in this week’s Vine Guy column in the Examiner Newspaper

The Double Gold Medal Zinfandel

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WTOP Radio Wine of the Week – Perfect Wines For the Hammock

It’s hot and I need a wine that I can kick back and relax with – whether I am swinging in a hammock at home or hanging out at the beach.

I need a “summer” wine.

The requisite summer wine has got to have enough fruit to keep up with summer foods and enough acidity to keep it light and refreshing. After all, the acidity is responsible for the clean, fresh finish that dries your palate and whets your appetite.

Click here to listen in to this week’s WTOP Radio Wine of the Week and then find a hammock…

A Hammock and a Bottle Wine - A Perfect Match

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Napa Valley’s Best Values

I have just returned from a whirl-wine tour out west where I spent three glorious days kicking around the wine-fantasy world of Napa Valley.

After tasting that ranged in rpice from $15 to $500 a bottlem I thought I’d share some of Napa Valley’s best values.

Click on this link to check out my favorite Napa Valley Values


Chateau Montelena's Elegant Zinfandel


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Hello – Is Anyone Home At Fiola? Anyone? Bueller?

How many times should someone have to call a restaurant to book a LARGE party before they give up? Once? Twice? THREE TIMES??? How about an in-person visit? And no response… nada, nein, zip, zilch, goose egg.

 Thus is the tale of my experience at Fiola – the hot, hip new Italian eatery captained by Uber-chic Chef Fabio Trabocchi and his spouse, Maria.

I have been trying for two weeks now to book a dinner party at Fiola and cannot get as much as a return call to tell me to drop dead. My firm is getting ready to celebrate our ten year anniversary and I want to treat my staff to a fantastic evening of food, wine and fun to mark the occasion. I had dined there recently for a wine dinner and I was impressed with the service, food and ambiance, so I thought Fiola would be the perfect spot to host dinner for 30 people.

After leaving three messages – count ‘em, three – for Maria Trabocchi (the chef/owner’s wife and director of private dining), I decided to confront her directly. My wife and I went with another couple to Fiola for dinner last week to celebrate our 26th wedding anniversary. When we arrived, I asked the hostess to please send Maria over to the table so that I could give her a card and make the connection.

Overall, the evening was a solid 8. The food was very good and both our server (ask for Ashley) and the wine director (Theo) were attentive and charming. We noticed Maria flitting about the restaurant visiting most of the tables and giving everyone the standard kiss-kiss routine. But somehow, we escaped her attention and she never as much as looked in our direction. Must have been my cologne?!?

On the way out, I asked to speak to Maria. I explained who I was and that I was trying to book a dinner party for 30 – count ‘em – 30 people. She feigned great surprise and promised (PROMISED) to give me a call on my cell phone the very next day…. And I am still waiting.

Why am I taking the time to rant about this seemingly trivial experience? Because I have had my fill of restaurants (and other businesses) that just DON’T GET IT! It’s like the scene in the movie Network when the news anchor stands up and delivers his famous “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore” speech. It’s that simple.

Citronelle (another story) and (BLT Steak) could take a lesson from Wolfgang Puck’s The Source or any of Ashok Bajaj’s eateries. Every single time I have been at any of these restaurants, they have made me feel welcomed and comfortable, like Norm at Cheers (you older readers will probably get that reference…). So why didn’t I start with The Source (or Bibiana) for the anniversary party? Good question. And now I will…

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WTOP Wine of the Week – Red White and Sparkling Wines for the 4th of July

Wine has become a familiar site at backyard barbeques across the country. This weekend, try an assortment of red, white and sparkling wines as a way to declare your own independence this Fourth of July.

As Benjamin Franklin put it, “Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance.” I’ll drink to that.

Click here to listen to my wine recommendations for this Fourth of July.



The Perfect Sparkler for the Fourth of July


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