Follow The Vine Guy
Loveblock wines is founded by Erica Crawford, and her husband, Kim Crawford, renowned veterans of the New Zealand wine industry. Erica started her career as an aspirational medical scientist, progressing into the pharmaceutical industry. Her career in the wine industry … Continue reading
Lindsey Fern discovered her passion for wine while backpacking through Europe and Africa and later honed her skills working in restaurants all over the world including London, Ibiza, Miami and San Francisco’s Bay Area. In 2014, her journey ultimately led … Continue reading
Aaron plays Anthony Holmes on the NBC’s comedy, Grand Crew. The popular sitcom tells the story of a ‘crew’ of 30-something Black professional friends in Los Angeles who regularly enjoy getting together at their favorite neighborhood wine bar to unpack … Continue reading
Jeff Morgan is the owner and founding winemaker of Covenant Wines, a boutique urban winery in Berkeley, California making small-lot fine wines from California and Israel. Covenant wines are made from extraordinary vineyards that stretch from Central California, Lodi and … Continue reading
https://www.podcastone.com/episode/chantel-tseng Just in time for International Sherry Week, Chantal Tseng – a true student of all things liquid – joins the podcast to discuss the versatility of various types of sherry – both paired with food and in cocktails … Continue reading
‘Delicious does not require an explanation’ – A conversation with John Terlato. Famous wine importer and winery owner John Terlato talks about what it takes to own a winery, why you may want to give Pinot Grigio a try and … Continue reading
Sometimes, we in the wine world are so focused on the latest and greatest cult wine or hottest new trend in wine, that we forget about wines with genuine pedigree and history. Wines that deserve more attention and praise than … Continue reading
In America, the Fourth of July celebrates the anniversary of the day we declared our independence from Great Britain. In France, July 14th celebrates the historic day the oppressed citizens of France stormed the Bastille – a prison and citadel … Continue reading
When I was growing up, the Fourth of July meant ice cold watermelon, neighborhood cookouts, a parade down Main Street, and – of course – fireworks at the local community college. And beer. Lots and lots of beer. But that … Continue reading